Saturday, January 27, 2007

Are we really proud to be an Indian?

Yesterday was our republic day. Our madam told us to come for flag hoisting and said, “Ek din toh desh bhakti dikhao!”. See! Now a days people have to be reminded to ‘show’ their love for their country. Anyways I saw many street vendors selling flags. Those small flags which u can were on your shirt for one day and then forget about being not so costly thing. Those flags cost at the max Rs. 10. So people usually don’t try to search it once it is lost. They think that ‘thik hai yaar, agale saal naya kharidenge!’ What a loss!
Has anybody thought what happens to those lost flags? They lay on roads. Numerous people, vehicles walk past over them. Flag is not such a cheap thing which can be used and thrown away once the ‘show off’ day is over. Flag is our country’s proud. Many of you must have watched movies based on wars. In them soldiers give highest priority to flag. Priority even over their own life! And we are so much used to the flag that we use it like normal cloth. You can just take a walk on road today and see many flags lying on road.
I personally think selling of flags at so cheap rate should be banned. Flags should not be available so easily and cheaply. Either stop flag selling at streets or raise the flag rates. If people buy flag at higher rate they will think that it is an important thing. And if it is lost they will think before buying new one.
I appeal to all of you that respect your flag. Either don’t buy it or if you do, take a good care of it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Properties of number 9

9 is a very powerful no. in maths. It has got max. properties which are useful in numerous ways. To start with-a very simple one. Addition of digits of no divisible by is also divisible by 9. e.g. consider 587646:- addition is 36 divisible by 9. For 36:- addition is 9.

Now when u add digits of a no.(no. of any length) and subtract addition from original no u get a no which divisible by 9. e.g. consider 58364 addition is 26. 58364-26=58338 its divisible by 9(check it if u want.)

Take a no. Add its digits. Now add 9 in original no. Again add the digits of addition. This addition and previous will be same. e.g. 69830 addition 8. Adding 9 we get 69839. Addition 8!

When u multiply by 9 or 99 or 999 etc:-
The multiplication is most simple. U just have to do is subtract 1 from that no, write it down. Then subtract given no from nearest power of 10 and write it down.
e.g. 8*9=8-1 | 10-8=72
278*999=278-1 | 1000-278 = 277722
This is because 9 or 99 or 999 is (10-1), (100-1), (1000-1)

Its very easy to find inverse of no ending with 9. Inverse of 9 is 0.11111111 That of 99 is 0.01010101 and of 999 is 0.001001001 etc.
For no containing other no than nine we can use following technique
Consider 1/29. For this first we need to write 0.0 then start dividing 10 with 3(2+1). While dividing for next no consider new remainder with new quotient.
Method:-1/29=0. 0 3 4 4 8 2 7 5 8 6 2 0 6 8 9 6 5 5 1 7 2 4 1 3 7 9 3 1
Remainders are :-1 1 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 0

so the ans is 1/29=0.0344827586206896551724137931(recurring)

Hope I get some more to put here.

Friday, January 12, 2007


This is my second post. It comes after long long time. But frankly speaking i had forgotten to write the topic or even think about a topic!
I recently watched this movie by the name- hmmmmmm Oh shit! I have a gr8 habit of forgetting, forgetting anything that is forgettable (in literal sense i.e. all things except vital things) now I have forgot the movie name. I wanted to start this with a good scene from that movie. But......... Anyways, one of friends said that I am gonna have a very tough time with my GF, IF I get one! Reason : I keep forgetting everything.
Ha got it! Its 'Memento'. Gr8 movie. Its about a man who has got a condition in which he cant make any new memories. This happenes to him in an accident. So he cant make new memories after that accident. I m happy that at least i m better than the character of that movie. The guy in the movie cant remember what happened 2 mins before!
See now i had forgotten the topic. I was talking about forgetting. Is it a boon or curse? I personally think its boon upto some extent. B'coz u can just 'I forgot' if u hadnt done anyhing which u were supposed to do. Just imagine u not forgetting anything - i mean anything. It can be any unpleasant moment which u were very happy to forget. Just thing of experiencing the pain again and again in ur mind like experiencing the same moment again and again. Its 'forgetting' due to which we can go ahead in life by going past previous sorrows. Otherwise that li'l thing called Brain (although having almost TeraBytes of memory) will overflow with all those moments just like ur computer memory becomes not large enough when ur storage increases. Its 'forgetting' which works as disk cleaner of ur brain and keeps u fresh.
So next time time u say 'I forgot' just think of what it means to ur body!
Once again like last time thanx to word for spell check.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Forwarded mails!!!!!!!!

Hello friends;
All of must be having Email account. Hence u must be familiar with the mail options. Mainly ‘Forward’! This is a very beautiful option if u use it perfectly and for good cause. Means it proves to be good if u use it in helping others, by spreading some news (not rumors of course), or gyaan about the things which u and ur friends might not be knowing etc.
But this very option ‘Forward’ becomes a nuisance when it comes to forwarded mails or popularly known as ‘chain mails’. Imagine a person checking mail once in a week or month in a cyber cafĂ©. What will he feel if he sees a hundred nonsense mails to be checked in about an hours time. Especially when the mails are heavily loaded with attachments like photos of certain idols! It takes a lot time to open these mails completely. That means most of the precious time is taken up by these non sense, not at all useful mails. If a person is using broadband and that too at home then it’s a piece of cake for him as he has got enough speed to open the mail and click on the ‘forward’ caption in measurably less time.
I don’t have any objection for the mails, which give some information. Recently I read a mail, which tells about a law by which a woman can deny going with male police even if police has arrest warrant. I really didn’t know about such a law! I think these mails have right to be forwarded. But many times I get mails like ‘u are blessed by so and so lord. Send this mail to 20 more person otherwise u will fail in exams.’ What a crap! Its as if my examiner is keeping a close watch on mail account; whether I am forwarding such mails or not. Or the lords are having their filters installed in network to decide on whom to shower blessings and not on whom.
I just can’t imagine people believing such crap and sending it to their friends to make their life a bit harder. Best way to fight this is ignore such mails. I have done it loads of times still I am fit enough to write all this and get spell check done in word. So plz don’t forward faltoo chain mails. Please! Please!! Please!!!